Helping Banned Players...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. He is clearly not advertising.
    Also, you can't restrict freedom of speech. You can't forbid people to say this or that unless they are obviously hurting someone or the community (like by being massively off topic, having oversize signatures, trolling, being overzealous with any (misunderstood) rules etc etc).

    Let's not mess up the situation even more.

    Please, all, be moderate and generous,
    don't let these sad situation(s) and sad people cause EMC to become like a "police state"
    where everyone spies on everyone and is eager to report up to the "authorities",
    where messages are scanned for keywords and automatically reported,
    where authorities spy on people and suspect everyone,
    where threads / communications with unpleasant content are being locked etc.

    That would be a very sick community and it would break down miserably.

    Of course adequate protection is needed, but make it moderate, protect privacy, beware of any "Gestapo / NKVD / ... methods", they are prone to ruin any community 100%.

    It is far better to get griefed once or twice, to have a cheater or two (they will soon get bored and eventually get caught anyway), then to end up in a community that is ruled by fear.

    It is better to let 10 cheaters slip away without consequences than hurt one honest person (or hurt the whole community).
    (Btw, no one of us here is allowed to punish any person here. Only an official court can do that.)

    Don't think you can protect a community by adding rules.
    Don't think you can do it by adding drastic punishments (compare permanent ban with death sentence).
    Don't think you can do it by technical means.
    All of this fails.
    You can only protect a community by supporting and encouraging its development and culture, making bonds stronger, educating, spreading peace and friendship, seeing that everyone has same objective chances and the very same, simple rules apply to any and all.

    MR2R2M likes this.
  2. Is it because you, PT and Kells took advantage of the new perma-ban appeal implementation, got caught, disgracing all three of you, so now PT is definitely perma-banned and you went crazy so you are banned to cool off, and pretty much all 3 of you are "anti-EMC" now? Shame on you, shame on you.
    Pab10S and hayleycolgan like this.
  3. How very wrong you are...
    Perhaps dear Alex you should get your facts correct before you spew out incorrect information onto the forums yes?
  4. How very wrong he is indeed :rolleyes:.
  5. Oh, well that's good then :) Not according to my source however.
    Pab10S likes this.
  6. Your source being? the gossip pages of EMC, straight from the mouth of EMC's Finest keyboard warriah's?

    Don't embarrass your self any more than you all ready have.
    Jeanzl2000 and MR2R2M like this.
  7. Nope, staff member.
    Pab10S and Jeanzl2000 like this.
  8. Please do share who this "Staff Member" is..

    If I had been doing what was accused I would of had a straight up ban..

    And me going crazy? My Casino that I spent little over 1000 hours building and designing was about to be reset for no reason. (due to a mix up about who owned the lot,)..

    So Alex again I implore you and your "staff member" Friend to get some facts correct before you get on the forums with false information..
    Pab10S likes this.
  9. Haha okay, the first bit was correct. At least, most of it. :)
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  10. Does helping a banned to just trying to save thier items or helping them get unbanned too.
  11. How many chances did 1988golfer get?
    Pab10S likes this.
  12. I was the guy who did found out who the dupers where back then (1998golfer + NEW_divison)
  13. Don't worry, I heard the same stuff too from a few different people. Whether it is true or not we will probably never know. As long as the wrong-doers are punished, and those who haven't misbehaved aren't punished incorrectly, everything will be fine and everyone can move on.
    Pab10S, PandasEatRamen and AlexChance like this.
  14. Words of wisdom lol :p But yeah absolutely. I'm sick of all these "EMC is boring, I'm leaving" threads and Rob's conspiracy, I'm just trying to ignore it because I honestly have no idea what it's about. :)
    Pab10S, PandasEatRamen and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. Sure, conspiracy ae? Interesting topic. How does anyone on EMC know that corruption is or isn't at the very core of this place then? And that the very people posting that they honestly aren't concurrent with events are actually corrupt themselves?
  16. Pab10S likes this.
  17. That was a waste of time.... Anywho it was less than 7 hours ago.
    pat2011 and JackBiggin like this.
  18. Took this from a server website:

    Pab10S likes this.
  19. Reading this stuff makes me really sad, conflict, betrayal, lost friends, dying everything really. Well I better get ready to do another tree comp on my res... Something to get my mind of things like these.