Helping Banned Players...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. But he could have made the Employeer open a file hence being hacked.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. I think we joined the same day.
    My Glob if my mind isn't correct I was behind you in the tutorial.
  3. I have many. That is classified information that I cannot share with you.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  4. Just to let everyone know, Rob has 1 account that has not been banned. His 5 known accounts were banned and 1 secret alt was (foodenator.) But he has 1 that has not been banned yet. I have already informed several staff members about this and they are looking into it. If you have information that leads to his other account being banned, please send it to a staff member immediately. Here is the proof that he has a second secret alt:
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  5. I sent them a PM about an account that i believe is his that i found through googling his name. But, this account isnt registered with EMC yet. Also, i believe that he was planning this all along, and that this supposed 7th account doesnt exist. It is imaginary, and only meant to make us worry. Just an idea:)
    Pab10S likes this.
  6. Googles Roblikescake....
    Finds this:
    Pab10S and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. I saw that too.
  8. Pab10S likes this.
  9. Because sarcastic humor is the best kind of humor!
  10. Oh, My, God... Here is a quote from that link...

    1 Year Ago...
  11. Lets just take quotes, not web addresses to other servers:) I suggest editing it out:)
    Please edit out the bad server web address:)
  12. Yup. thats what i was talking about...
    apparently after a year he still hasnt learned... *sigh*
  13. its a forum adress. not a server adress.
  14. ... which is effectively the server, just on the world wide web.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. ... so what?
  16. That's what.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. *Dips his hand into the popcorn and stuffs his face*

    Screw going to the cinema, this is brilliant entertainment. :D
  18. You all may be wondering what happened to get me banned?

    Guess what... Im not saying ;)
    Importerer likes this.
  19. What have we learnt from this new hack-finding method?

    Why rich people are rich.
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  20. I don't get this.

    Why is this thread called "helping banned players" ? Am I missing something? I too received a PM from Rob's alt account, however, I don't get what he's trying to say and what ever he is saying, he's failing. I suggest we all just ignore it.
    Pab10S and Dwight5273 like this.