Am i the only one?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRobotChicken, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Also to note there will naturally be a fall in members online as summer is over and people return to work / school...
  2. actually i think some of the servers are seeing more traffic now that school has started
  3. im 255 days old and know that I would race to get onto EMC at night for me in UK because of the USAians and now its quite i used my reserved slot loads then not so much now (Well never)
  4. 221 days.
    They also said people would be coming back when the summer is over.

    I think not.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. I completely agree - When I joined (Mid January - Does that make me a veteran?) - I would be waiting 10 minutes at times to get on to EMC (It was often at 63+/60) - Now I'm lucky to join the server with more then 10 people - However - I do believe this is due to the fact we have 10 servers now (We only had 4 or 5 when I joined)
  6. I would also say back then Minecraft was getting a LOT of coverage in Gaming news websites and back then the "Main Stream" media had also caught up and was reporting about minecraft... this could too have caused a surge of players..
  7. I joined when 5 was launched. Man, it was annoying having to sit there and wait.. That's what made me upgrade to gold supporter in march.. When 8 & 9 launched, a lot of players spread out, so we've still got an alright amount of members, even though it is less then it used to be..

    It's kind of like a cookie. When you first put the dough down, some sticks to the spoon, but you get a lot of it on the pan. You bake it, it spreads out, and some burns. When it's done, and you try to remove it, some of it breaks off, sticking to the pan, or becomes it's own little piece. It's still delicious to eat, though. ;)
    nfell2009, chickeneer and pat2011 like this.
  8. I joined when only smp1 was in action and had to live in the wild till the promised (by Justin) smp2 would come online. It seems ages ago but in fact (if my goldfish memory hasn't failed me) was in November last year - and yes I remember having to keep on attempting to join as the server was full. :D
  9. I thought that! I joined when it was SMP1-4 and I would fight to get on I even made a thread about is EMC growing too fast? Because saying that were losing people is wrong were gaining but were too spread out with 8+9 at the same time it was nice to EMC grow but not too fast when 5-7 got added they were full! And now were not
  10. EXACTLY! There is more to do here than there is time to type it. Join a wilderness project... Better yet... Make One!
    Start searching for caverns and marking waypoints for the Dragon Egg Tombs....
    Find 3 or 4 new players and get a building project going.
    Come help me get SNOW and Sandstone... lol
    There is plenty to do... Just ask!
    As for the amount of players... we lost Lots to serving our country oversees. Lots are also in school or away with RL. We have lots but they are spread out over more servers... its sad that you can get on 24/7 now LOL
    I recently visited about 20 servers just to see what was out there.... YUCK! That is what.... cussing... griefing... pvping noobs that can't even get out of spawn.... If that is what you are looking for it is out there.. THANK YOU Justin.... Its not here! :)

    Have Fun Guys! It's anywhere you look ;)
    jaqiefox and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. I do remember the days when I would go on adventures with my comrades, Thierry200, Warlockgnu12 and Awsomeantz1.
  12. EMC has changed during the 170 days I have been on.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  13. Not to mention that all the new players are mostly on 8 :)
    codygraw101 likes this.
  14. i especially feel for you because i also remember
  15. I joined around when SMP4 was launched, and yes, EMCs players have declined.
  16. I agree! Being a mere 140 ish days all the people I have refered well have,,,, left :(
  17. for me its been 319 days so barely anyone i used to have fun with is still on
  18. The Empire has seen better days......
  19. 306 for me; the problem is: all anyone cares about seemingly is rupees...
  20. I have felt very bored of emc too I wish I was not