[AUCTION] Enchantment Pack

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by nickjwolfe, Sep 3, 2012.

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  1. bed time bump
  2. Tomj in the lead with 5.6k can any1 beat him?
  3. tomj is in the lewad with 5.8k can any1 beat him?
  4. Again lol
  5. one last bump before tomj wins in acouple hours
  6. tomj is the winner
  7. Ok ill be on soon to come aand pick it up. IIs tthere sometjing there for me to pay and collect if ur not on
  8. im 0n now if u can log on
  9. Make an axess chest si I can xrvc my items amr ill payvu then
  10. ill do tht and im assuming you were trying to say, make an access chest so i can "something" my items and ill pay you then
  11. yes and the"something" is access its ok u can rust me i have done this a few times with auctions ill pay before i collect
  12. payed and collected thanks
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