Introducing "Community Perks"

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. There is actually already a mod to ride dragons
    IamSaj, Hash98, KarlisKrazy and 4 others like this.
  2. I was going to make a joke about wanting a mod that lets us ride Aikar, but then I realised how that sounded. :confused:
  3. I presume the Minutes for a perk, increase with the more people involved. Now that I have finally figured that out. lol

    Correct me if I am wrong, but when people finish an arena - They spawn right outside of it. So the amount of time these Perks will be in effect should factor that in. The first thing everybody will probably want to do is run back to town as a group, not necessarily spend their BONUS on traveling back to spawn... Or will the players respawn at their bed locations... (in the wild, like leaving the End)

    If I can find a post on this in the Main Dragon Arena thread, I will edit this to fit whatever I find...

    Edit: someone only asked where they spawn if they die... which the answer was back in the arena... That isn't correct is it? But what I want to know is where you spawn after you beat the arena...

    Woah, a thought just went rushing through my mind... Ok, to my knoweledge if there are 5 people fighting the Dragon Players 1-4 all Die, but Player 5 finishes it off... What happens to 1-4. Do they get Dragon Eggs also. My point is, you can't let them just skip merrily away if they die (people that log out - don't get the prize) So, will there be a viewing area for people that died in the arena; but can't be allowed Back in the fight nor the Overworld...

    ps Aikar and IcC... There was a question left unanswered on this thread... fyi... I didn't re-post it anywhere else...
    Hash98 likes this.
  4. Makes my head and eyes feel as if they're gonna explode :/ Trying not to look at it but can't help it.


    Anyways, I'll try to make this tie into the idea/update whatever. So I'm all for the whole "Raid" like thing with the dragon eggs BUT and I'm sure this was posted in the massive derailed train of a thread about the update but I was wondering how these eggs claiming land was gonna work exactly in the wild. For example If I have one and Aikar has a house in the wild, I decide to be a jerk and claim the land his house is on. Then what? How will they affect colonies already built?

    As for perks it's hard for me to imagine anything not limited to Rupees (too much of that) and potions. Most games that offer Perks/Buffs etc. have things such as "2x EXP for ____ minutes/hours/days" or some way to avoid hunger or a life or armor boost or a limited time mount. Can that stuff be coded to work like so? I'm sure I could think and type properly if it wasn't 6am and I didn't have a flashing chicken burned into my eyes.
  5. Lol, that gave me a laugh, Unfortunately I haven't found anything I like to replace it just yet... I imagine it will be something else within the next 15 hours... but now I must sleep for whole 4 1/2 Hours :p
  6. you could get x rupees
  7. I like this idea
  8. Eff yea! You used that Profile Picture!
  9. The perk duration will decress with more players involved as the fight becomes more manageable.

    I like the idea of armour boost perk.

    How about a photosynthesis perk? You hunger decreases in direct sunlight, remains constant while above a certain light level and is unaffected below that light level.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  10. Now where getting into vampires.... :)
  11. i would rather get the XP from the dragon and an egg. i dont see why some people would spend all their time that they can never get back while lazy people who didnt fight the dragon get benifits. if you quote me in a bad way your a lazy person xD
  12. This is awesome, but makes me sad at the same time. If I understand this correctly, they will be spawning in random places in the wild so.......wild reset? I sure hope not, someone please tell me if we are going to have one.
  13. There will be no wild reset needed to implement this update.
    BobTheTomato9798 and margaritte like this.
  14. I think there should be a Wild Reset just for the heck of it :p JK
  15. this is awesome! thanks a milkshake ICC!
  16. If that upsets you, then you might wish to quit now. ;)

    Skip to 1:22
    IamSaj and Happyshopper like this.
  17. Anybody sell saddles? :p
  18. True... There shuld be more ways to do this. Community isnt about killing dragons.
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  19. Totally off topic, but welcome back, kilm! We've all missed your witty posts and self-wetting :D
    nab27 and TrueJob like this.
  20. Perhaps more than Double XP, rupees, armor, hunger bar durability and maybe even random items? I'm not sure. Can't wait for the new dragon egg updates and stuff.... and don't forget 1.4!!! :)