Hey! :D

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Aikat, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. i have a feeling i know who you are.
  2. Green cmon man you had to ruin our fun! Even ICC went along with it haha! Aww well time to get back to our normal lives :p... I think.... :eek:
  3. JtghjgAhjfdChrfdKhbfBjbhfdIdfkGsdbhGdbakjbfhIdkjfbNgfd



  4. It's JackBiggin, I know..

    Muahahaha (>__<)
  5. Are you in the CC?
  6. i ask him if he was jack yesterday.. i beat you all :p
  7. 10 pages of trolling
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  8. Has it been 10 pages already - Crazy XD
  9. The moment when I realize that Jack was trolling me last night during our /tell...
  10. Is it real JackBiggin? He has allready JackBeggin2 and he's iron supporter and is account JackBeggin is a diamond, so he has a lot of money.
    Lukas_3226 likes this.
  11. Why'd you ruin it for us...?
  12. i knew it was jack.. it was like my 3rd guess in our /tell
  13. He said hhe had JackBiggin2 and some other account so it is him =)
  14. You guys never guess who my alt is :rolleyes:
  15. Hmmm? IcecreamCow?
  16. dont even go there. thats just 1 more thing green will ruin xD
  17. Dont ruin it green
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  18. It's definitely not Icecreampig. So we've ruled that alt out... only 39,999 more possible alts to go.
  19. The possibilitys arnt endless if you think about it
  20. Why just a 39,999?