EMC's annual Wild Survival race!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ZombieSlayer010, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. so is he still part of it? or did a spot... you know....
  2. Nope
  3. I want the open spot on lime.
  4. lol, i just posted it was open! welcome aboard! 2 diamond supporters and a prev gold :p
  5. Oh, yes. Attention to detail pays off.
    It's good to be a part of the team.
    margaritte likes this.
  6. There should be a Skype/TeamSpeak call for those who can ;)
  7. i just made a PM for the lime team asking them to get TS# :p
  8. Was that directed at me?
    Oh, and zombie, you spelled me name wrong.
  9. Sorry about that. oops
  10. If me, no...
  11. There isnt any open spaces is there....
  12. Nope.
    Zombie - this is a very good question. Answer please? :)
  13. Sorry but I've been invited to a party on this day, therefore meaning I am no longer able to attend.
    I'm incredibly sorry to the pink team who've lost most original team members :(

    Good luck to all the contestants!! May the best team win.
  14. Who's reserved on red team?
  15. I want MissMadison's spot.
  16. oooohhh i want Missmadisons place !! please?
  17. ...no not Steve *facepalm*
  18. The customer is always right....