EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. This is only part of an art piece I've done about 6 months ago. On the Bottom Left is my character's evil doppelganger, known as Caleb. The boy with the Red cap is my character, Antinanco. Not a Pokemon Trainer. :T
    HylianNinja likes this.
  2. I got a art picture of a parrot, but how to upload? :confused:
  3. I'm seeing a lot of really great art on this thread and I thought I'd add my...well...not so great art into this. Okay it's not bad, but it's not the best. Anyway all I ever draw are animals so here are two anthro wolves...in love? I don't know.

    It's kinda cute in a way. xD
    jkjkjk182, Gap542, AlexChance and 3 others like this.
  4. That is really good. You are being to hard on yourself.
    topdawg657 likes this.
  5. Im about to *Try* to upload some pics off my i-pad
  6. Upload it to Imgur or Photobucket and then add the img link.
  7. Dang. On my iPad…otherwise, be showing off some of my epic masterpiece of doodles I drew in my planner during school instead of working. :D
  8. Thread really needs a revive, and I'm not getting the red 'do not bump' message.
    So here's something I whipped up a few weeks ago. Not the best i've done, because my sketches are more realistic than anything but I like my cartoon-y style.
  9. If animation is art, and art is in the eye of the beholder, then you better be a pretty lenient beholder.
  10. Oil painting I scanned. The pic is off google but I painted it myself.

    Guess what it is? xD
    SunnyDayz100 likes this.
  11. A Toaster?
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  12. Incorrect.
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. I also have my Photoplasty entries, but I'm a bad Photoshopper:

  14. A black bear with white sports or a polor bear with black spots? :3
    kevdudeman likes this.
  15. Are you sure? That just has to be a Toaster, oh, no wait! I see it now! I found a non-watercolor variant.
  16. Neither.
  17. battmeghs likes this.
  18. This is my friend's art. He allowed me to use it. I'm sure you'll love it.

    Made in his art class xD
  19. Is that a cooler?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  20. No it's you. The lesson was to get a pic off google and oil paint it.