Any veteran players?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Thejoker1177, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. 268 days, and AusQB always seems to find the funniest gifs.
  2. I was referring to my six or so month absence.
  3. 5000000 days old, I am your King. Know bow to the Pig.
    battmeghs and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. Pig, I thought you rule piggeh town...
  5. Shhhh....
  6. Oh,Then bad gif :p,I thougt that you meant that Im a liar ;)
  7. JT is meant to be me feeling awkwardness and guilt after what you said about long breaks.

    If I wanted to call you a liar, I would have posted this:

  8. *in old man voice* Back in my day! There was only 2 servers!,! Utopia was a seperate world and wasteland was a world too!
    Twitch1 likes this.
  9. Aus weren't you a Mod?
  10. Once upon a time.
  11. *again in old man voice* back in my day, (again) Aus and Liz were moderators, (i think one of the first, if not the first)
  12. I'm 207 days so I'm a senior not veteran
  13. Ah Dark_Liz
    gnyctk likes this.
  14. What? Have gamekribjeremy and dark_liz left? Sob
  15. Did Justin give you the sack? I'm two mounths from a year on the EMC.
  16. As far as I know, Liz took a break but had the decency to inform the staff.

    GameKribJEREMY was betrayed and murdered by a young admin named IcecreamCow.

    You could say that. I took an extended leave of absence and they couldn't afford to keep me wasting space in the work shed.
    margaritte and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  17. *Shoves the edit button in face*

    EDIT: I was riding my bike and skined my knee on a rock. I am typing slower now...
  18. I see what you did there ;)