[CLOSED] 2 SC Of 116-119 Speed Horses

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Erbiumn, Jan 23, 2022.

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  1. Starting Bid: 1k
    Min Bid Increase: 1r
    Auction Ends: 48 hrs after last bid
    Item Will be delivered by mail in two shulker boxes

    EfficiencyV likes this.
  2. 1k cause I liked how you showed the stats..
  3. 2k same reason, nice job :)
    Merek_Shadower and Erbiumn like this.
  4. 3k because I love the Dino pointer :D
    Erbiumn likes this.
  5. 10k, same reason, this is a great way to show this lol
    Erbiumn and EfficiencyV like this.
  6. You win the auction please pay and i will ship
  7. paid :)

    sorry for the wait, I was caught in a all-day-meeting
  8. ok sent
    Fred_TWK likes this.
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