Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I just wanted to write that I'm also having trouble connecting now. I never did in the past and tonight, seemingly at random, I can't connect to any of the EMC servers. I'm playing other online games fine so it's not my connection.

    Thanks for what you're doing to fix the problem.
  2. Me too! I am constantly being kicked and am confined to a single chunk of my residence. It is saying I have timed out or connection is reset by a peer.

    I hope you can fix it! (events!!!!)
    Wanderton and khixan like this.
  3. Still getting awful lag when I look at the tracert output, but gameplay is actually working for me now. Odd.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  4. Our data center made some adjustments so it should be resolved.

    And those trace routes you provided earlier were great, those were not lagging results. Bad would be 300+
  5. Thanks! Back to ~30ms again. :D
  6. Seems the problems aren't over, but I do notice that it also seems to be influenced by geographic location a bit. Right now I'm getting constantly disconnected but Aya seems to have no issues at all.

    But this is definitely not a client-sided issue. I see too many players complaining and disconnecting.
    ILTG and Wanderton like this.
  7. Yes, the lag is back, but not as bad as last night. Although people are crashing left and right. I'm surprised someone from the Mid-Atlantic is having the same problems as someone from the Netherlands.
    Wanderton likes this.
  8. I just got on I dont seem to have any problems
  9. lowest ping all day, and the 0ms is Shel crashing. I blame everyone trying to get on the internet to watch 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' on Netflix :p
  10. I keep getting kicked by the remote host, and when I do get in there are loads of world holes like I'm using xray...Sorry folks, looks like there will be a delay in the drop party
    ShelLuser and Sydney4363 like this.
  11. This is absurd. Sigh. Thanks Obmacare!!! Lol
    NuclearBobomb and Wanderton like this.
  12. According to your status yesterday, you stated that Aya was an alt. (Which I see you've now edited) Now you are using the Aya account and implying to it being in a separate geographic location. Unless you've given away the account in the past 18 hours, misleading information isn't helping us solve this issue any faster...we need to know who all is having actual issues and we need those players to follow Aikar's instructions. If your alt can get on and you cannot, then we need to know that. Don't make it sound like you are in 2 different locations. We're trying to help, and that doesn't help.
  13. I seem to be having issues as well. I try connecting to and only a few chunks load then I get kicked / crash.
  14. Yeah, this thread says otherwise:

    I'm fine with role-play. Just don't bring it into serious server issues.
  15. I've bumped the ticket with our provider about it resurfacing.
  16. I personally don't appear to have any connection issues - hope it gets solved for the others quickly. :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Can I please get a fresh MTR from anyone still having issues - -> Copy Text to Clipboard and private message me it
    TomvanWijnen and ttyler333 like this.
  18. Little late, as i can finally connect but...
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  19. Tried to download it and do that thingy because I can - or I thought so - the site doesn't load for me... :p Apart from a few minutes with extreme lag (slow) on both EMC and the EMC forums, the rest has been completely fine... Odd...
    ttyler333 likes this.
  20. Same tom, i had to refresh multiple times. I'd Assume its something after the L3 network.