Bye EMC - Going to be way Less Active!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Dec 9, 2017.

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  1. Id like to second this
  2. You have your views and opinions on the comments, and I have mine. My opinions and view is that people are being rude to finch because of the thread she made.
    You don't feel that way, and that's fine you do you

  3. Guys, give finch a break. Finch has been bullied and this is enough to push her over the edge. Yes people have their views, but please, if they're negative, keep them to yourself. We all have our opinions to share, let's be mindful of the action = reaction of those opinions when shared. Finch says she's going to leave, so let her go peacefully. Not start a flame war on a god damn children's game server forum.

    It is a disgrace that this community became what it is. Treat others like how you want to be treated, regardless of any various factors that differ from you. And frankly, after tomorrow or in two days, no one will care. We all will go our separate ways, no matter the damage caused.

    I do not see this thread even being entertaining, it should be sad because we are losing another one of the great minds that make EMC the way it is. Speaking of, did you guys react like this when other people of the same LGBTQ+ community left?

    Another thing, who cares about religion. Every religion and belief is different, but with this, it doesn't matter what a damn bible verse says. Let a person love who they want to love without living in fear of being bullied or harassed. Most people don't even follow religion anymore because their too busy posting on their snapchats with their coffee sipping dog filters.

    When did EMC become a place of savagery. Isn't this server supposed to be good because it is welcoming?
  4. Could everyone on this thread have worded some things better? Yeah! Of course! But that's not going to happen when finch is doing the same.
    DarkMod and RainbowPony hit the nail on the head for this one:

  5. Still, nobody knows this is true..
    How about not talking about a mature subject on a children's game server?
    thats basically what is happening here.
    The thread isn't entertaining. And no, nobody reacted like this because they weren't shoving LGBTQ+ propaganda down people's throat.
    People still stick to beliefs, regardless of what a snapchat filter is. Can people not share their (unpopular) views on a subject without being crucified?
  6. How about y'all shut up if your not saying anything noice and move to the next thread
  7. I do hope to still see you around occasionally. But it's too bad you had to be treated like that. I'm personally very silent about my opinions on any controversial issues, because I know how poorly it can turn out when people bring them up. But I personally feel like you're shifting your focus to this subject a bit much, and because of this, people only see you as pertaining to this instead of seeing you as a person

    So I would like to say, as a person, goodbye, and good luck in the future
    Zrugite likes this.
  8. I'm not sure why you are being so hostile. You aren't contributing anything to this thread what soever. This thread isn't criticizing LGBTQ+ members. It's criticizing finch.
    Roslyn and Alicexoxo like this.
  9. Critizing anyone for any reason is rude so how about we all stop being mean to finch? If you have problems with her maybe POLITLEY discuss it in pm but not here of all places. I don't give a damn if you don't believe they are leaving or whatever then keep the comment in your head because that's not contributing to the thread either
  10. This is untrue.
  11. It is so tempting to post Jacksfilms on here...
  12. I'd be careful with your wording.

    Anyway, I'm out. This has gone too far.
  13. Please, everyone, calm down. Finch does not want any drama, nor do I. The drama may well be part of what's driving her away, and the stuff many people are saying has made me extremely disappointed and fairly upset too.
  14. what? im not trying to single you out, i dont even know who you are. my post was on the greater issue of bullying, because again, i dont know a lot about finch.
  15. lets not forget who started this mess.
  16. This thread is completely unnecessary.
    I guess some will be happy with the attention this has drawn though...
  17. I think this thread has gone too far, everyone has said their words and I honestly think staff should just close it to responses (and where has the staff been this whole time??) and just leave it be. Finch has said her goodbyes and we have said what we have had to said (positive or not) so really what more is there to it.
  18. Yup, that's what I've been saying. Everyone's taken their stabs or said their farewells so thread could be closed to prevent any other hate "critism"
    We3_MPO likes this.
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