Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. I am Toade's little buddy ;)

    NuclearBobomb and _Devuu__ like this.
  2. Hi Jelle... what are you looking at..? :rolleyes:

    AyanamiKun, _Devuu__ and 607 like this.
  3. Have to post this one...
  4. Wow I havent seen some of those names in ages and Portals Res. Good Times.
  5. Same here... Some good times

  6. A random screenshot ;)

    We finally made a decent start with our tunnel back to spawn, which also triggered a massive change in plans. Originally I had planned to make the 'hub' of my outpost in a cool looking cave. Then Aya got her own outpost pretty close to mine (read: we're neighbors) and that changed the whole idea somewhat.

    And well, now we finally decided that we'll get a mutual hub. So one "hub" for both our outposts. And here's the first start :) Roughly 400 blocks done, 1500 or so more to go :eek:
  7. yaaay, I got a new t-shirt. and it looks so cool on me! ^.^

    Shell looks weird, as always, lol! ;)
    _Devuu__ likes this.
  8. "Trust Fall"
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. When visiting another outpost I suddenly came across this scenery and wow, has this place changed!

    Notice the Zombie pigman looking at what's happening here? ;)

    Now, the main reason I immediately hit f2 and wanted to share is shown in the right corner: an actual overview / map of the area. 3 x 3 large, gotta love it :cool:

    Maps are cool, mkay? :)
    jossytheninja likes this.

  10. while picking up some stuff for a friend of mine i discovered this. isn't she the cutest? ^.^

    u can find her on utopia, res. 5409
  11. Always lovely when you see your neighbour's res on a thread somewhere :p
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  12. I thought this belonged here:
  13. What lies beneath the surface...

    Every once in a while you read comments about players who wonder about other peoples residence, especially if it is a spawn residence: "It's only a grass surface, should that be allowed?". After all: when given the chance they could do so much more with that space!

    So about that... While cleaning up a residence download I came across this scenery and I think it makes for an excellent example as to why you shouldn't judge a residence by its skin, errr: cover :D

    On the top this looks like an ordinary, pretty empty, residence. But looks can be deceiving ;)

    So try to keep this in mind the next time you spot a residence and you're wondering why the owner doesn't do anything with it. Because... can you be sure about that?
  14. But... there isn't actually anything there? xD Why would someone have done that?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. Yup, it's a yard waste bin, in other words, a trash can. :p
  16. Yard waste as in leaves, grass, other greenery, etc.
    607 likes this.
  17. Is there supposed to be an image? There is no screenshot....