Empire 1.11.2 Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. I got 3 hrs of sleep. Still pretty tired. I at least understand the problem with vaults, and now trying to find the solution.

    out of our control. The author of the plugin seems MIA, and thats not something we can update ourselves. It's a massive plugin.
  2. Rumor has it that SMP8 has plenty of good deals on them.

    Do you have a lot of people in your /friends list? Because if you place a block then your friends would be able to remove them. Either way, I'm planning on playing for a short while so I'll see if I can reproduce this issue and if so report it as well (with proper credits obviously) :)
  3. I do not. And im sure i turned the friends list setting off as far as breaking blocks go. I think the ender dragon may of did it.
  4. yes, enderman or dragon can break the blocks since thats natural damage that a player cant 'control' (like creepers)
    ttyler333 and ShelLuser like this.
  5. I cant breed llamas with hay bales
  6. Aikar, i sent ss a pm. I had an issue with smp8's server restart.

    Bought totem of undying, accidently bought 2 on smp8 for 25k ea.

    Tried mailing to myself and during the instant restart, i came back on to only 1 totem. You should be able to see i was mailed nothing, and then 1 totem.
  7. Awesome! It's going to be hard for me to adjust, I haven't played with 1.11 at all yet
    UltiPig and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Any chance of making the waste end larger? 8k seems very tiny considering the first ring is only 1k out from main island.
    ttyler333 likes this.
  9. Could we have free mailing until the vaults are fixed?
    ShelLuser, UltiPig and BenMA like this.
  10. I second this. We will have claimed all elytra's and shulkers pretty quickly due to flying. If the end cannot be larger, can we get frequent end resets?
    TopHatGuru likes this.
  11. for those in the end, if you already havent discovered it, if you use one of the randomly spawned "escape" portals, it puts you in the void
  12. I'm looking into this one. If anyone notices missing doors/beds or other things please send me a pm. Looking for clues at the moment.
  13. I can go to the location if you sign on in game. We can try and scout the area since i can give you exact door spots.
  14. Hands down great job Aikar and the dev team. Takes a load of determination to do what you did in order to release this update. Keep it up!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  15. Well... how would I get them to smp7?
  16. Wait for /vault to come back online. Right now there's little you can do there.
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  17. Does mailing work?
  18. Mailing it to yourself is a option too. Did it a few hours ago :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. I think im close to the fix. Still gotta test other edge cases to make sure other things didnt break with the fix
  20. Yep found that out the hard way.