smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. What is the cords? of this jungle outpost?
  2. To be honest: you don't need cords. Just look at the wild live map for smp7, zoom out slightly, and scroll north-west :p
  3. I agree we should do that for all we know we could end up in the middle of a new jungle or a forest with birch trees n stuff(i like birch trees :3)
  4. In light of the wild reset I'd like to put an idea out there for enhanced security. As opposed to having our community out in the open/in plain sight of the livemap, I think we can use trees to give us a birds eye view cover. To demonstrate this I created my residence within the vicinity of our community and I think it's pretty well camouflaged. Not to a traveler but definitely from the live map. Let me know if you find it quickly. :)
  5. Nut what if we end up in the middle of the ocean?
  6. Sorry for double posting, but I thought we could make a nice direct way to the Shavingfoams's P.o.I(point of interest). This would be something like a tunnel underneath the jungle that then goes onto a bridge that leads to the P.o.i.
  7. A nice thought but the whole idea of the community is to prove that you can live in the open without being griefed. Zulu set it up to see how long it would last. So far it's lasted well.
  8. Indeed , it becoming a great community, i been having great time out there last couple of days
  9. Yes. I have totally amazed how well it goes so far. And we are growing which makes it even more unlikely it will get destroyed. Sure we will always have the occasional grief or theft but the bigger it grows the easier will it get to fix those.

    Btw. Is there a wild reset in planning? I see ppl one the forum discussing it as it was a fact but could not find an official statement. Maybe the new stuff like pyramids and the emerald ore will be available in new chunks in the old worlds only.
  10. I want to join this
  11. Sure. I sent you the instructions. Welcome on board :)
  12. yea IamSaj, how many people from smp5 coming here lol
  13. Replies: 652
    Views: 5,502
    At the moment. Most replies in this section of the EMC forums, 3rd place in views :D
  14. I have actually just asked IceCreamCow about a wild reset. I have not got an answer yet but when and if I do I will tell everyone in the community.
  15. zulu i think we need achievement sign for are community for the current members
  16. That could be cool.
  17. We've all been doing pretty well and not had to hide. I feel that having it hidden we would end up with more griefers. Before getting a "WUT UR CRAZY!" just hold on. Basically here's how I see it. Say you're wandering along and start digging and cutting down trees. You suddenly discover yourself in someone's living room because you accidentally dug into their house because you didn't know it was there. Say they had it in sand? You'd then have to place whatever block was holding it back and then go all the way back and fill it all in. Not everyone is going to take the time to do that. You start chopping trees and look to see someone's room once again. "aww snap!" so you have to put all the tree parts back and if it had leaves and you actually took the top then there's the chance it slowly disappearing. But given how most people chop trees, there's going to be ugly tree tops left for others to melt down over xD.
  18. We wont need a wild reset. The Coca beans are to little of a update for a reset.