Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Can't wait to tell everyone "I told you so" when you all start complaining.
    jkjkjk182, RunderCaster and ShelLuser like this.
  2. 'start' there has been nothing but complaining.
  3. Yay! I can keep my 1.9 mods.
    And I have already finished finals. The wastes are mine Bwahahaha!
  4. Was gonna save until Aikar is like "We're updating now!" but its also appropriate once more...
    I could bring your memories back all day long... and sometimes a short song is better, plus many artists had longer songs too. We can just listen to Celebration once Aikar announces update, or listen to it now because awesome-sauce.
    ShelLuser and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  5. That's not true, I've seen lots of people excited :confused:
    Kytula, iKloned and ShelLuser like this.
  6. We just got a few people who don't want to play with 1.9's combat, and there's nothing much we can do to change their opinions.
    607 and samsimx like this.
  7. I've tried the combat vs. mobs a tiny bit in SP last week. Not the best but we will adapt just updates in the past.
    ForeverMaster0 and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Well... I'd like to think that it's not so much complaining but being a little critical. Sure, a lot of people prefer 1.8, myself included. But that doesn't mean that people can't get excited over this ;)

    Heck: if not for 1.9 then for the new fresh wastelands. And if you don't like the new fighting mechanism then there are plenty of options to avoid that. Which I think is the best part of it all: playing on a server like EMC gives you other alternatives for doing things as well.

    Did you like to go out into the waste to fight mobs so you got bones and spider eyes and such, and now you no longer think its fun? Well: you can also get those items in other ways, like shops. And if you need money to buy those things then you can concentrate on mining (for example), which (in all honesty): has been improved quite heavily. Once you get used to "left click to mine, right click to place torch" it's really hard to go back to the old days. And I'm saying that as someone who honestly prefers 1.8 over 1.9.

    But it's not as if it's all bad.
    607 and We3_Nub like this.
  9. Agreed there. Ya some parts will not be the best but for me I look forward to things like skeleton horses, dragon heads, more End islands, new blocks/crops, etc.
  10. Join the #1.9ruinedPVP train with me?
    We3_Nub and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  11. Update is happening now it looks like.
    ForeverMaster0 and UltiPig like this.
  12. Really?!?! :D I'm getting on now!
  13. Im still able to connect w/ 1.8 so not sure.
  14. No, she is just a troll
    (Kidding, I don't know. Hopping on now)
  15. It said something like [proxy] proxy restarting or something like that. I'm not sure what that means tho. :p
  16. This is so exciting cant wait! 1 thing though a broadcast on the server said this morning and right now for me its 12:33pm so its afternoon XD Hopefully it updates soon, im hyped for this!

    Agreed that there are some parts that im not so excited for like the cooldown but I cant wait for all the other coolstuff <3
    ForeverMaster0 and UltiPig like this.
  17. Yea that happened to me to it said [Proxy] proxy restarting on my screen when it kicked me
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.

  18. (This is what the message said)
    Signs that it is starting to happen :p
    We3_Nub, Kytula, UltiPig and 4 others like this.
  19. The server's proxy was updated to accepting 1.9 servers to be connected to the EMC network (this is why you can type commands to get to other servers, because emc is all on the same network). The only server that is updated to 1.9 at the moment is Stage. Stage is the closest to a normal SMP environment for Aikar to test in, and he doesn't have to worry about the server crashing (stage) because he won't get a ton of complaints that a server is down.
    UltiPig, ShelLuser, 607 and 2 others like this.
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