Shooting Paintings in town

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ironlion, May 7, 2012.

  1. if anyone really needs painting that much i dont think they should be on emc jsut make a sheep farm!
  2. Right, I mean, it's so wrong to want to decorate one's residence with paintings that those who want to do that should just leave EMC right now... XD
    margaritte and PandasEatRamen like this.
  3. Wonder if that's how I always end up with random new paintings I can't explain. Maybe some secret minecraft ghost is taking them from you and placing them in my stuff.
    margaritte and alexschrod like this.
  4. Yeah maybe it's a glitch from having many paintings? maybe there's a limit and if it goes over the code just gets rid of some things?
  5. :( And I had just gotten those exactly how I wanted them ):

    Did you like the house? So. much. clay...
  6. Looking good. TONS of clay.

    I'm gonna get that painting back up for ya. For some reason it kept giving me the skeleton 2x3.... It covered the top of the door!

    I didn't think it would actually work. Definitely a glitch that doesn't make sense. Like jumping cows...which still angers me.
    margaritte likes this.