[Event] Defend the Castle! - 4/11 @ 9pm EMC

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by ElfinPineapple, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Please continue this event
    I need more noob castles to make
    Kytula likes this.
  2. This was so much fun! I just loved how we just kept building over what was previously made!
    Kytula likes this.
  3. When chin dresses up as you for the event
    HxCami10, jossytheninja and Kytula like this.
  4. This was a particularly fun event. Everybody hanging. Building for a common purpose. Beating off the mobs together. But this is not a regular event. I suggest we make it a regular event.
    HxCami10 likes this.
  5. I'm gonna bump this because there has to be someone out there that would like to comment on this.
  6. Yeah if this was a regular event it'd be great!
  7. It may be in time. However, my schedule at this point will not allow me to run this event as a biweekly event. So, for the near future, I'll be running it monthly.

    That said, if a week works out well there is a possibility I'll decide the weekend prior to host one. Such a decision will be on a case by case basis and likely will not be happening most of the time. If it does work out though, you all will be the first to know. :)

    Next one will be in two weeks!
  8. It is a very fun event I believe and I appreciate you are doing it. If there is any way I can assist you, say setting up the location, etc..., please let me know. Thanks again.
  9. Awesomee! :)
  10. Sounds amazing! I will be there for sure!
  11. Hate to do this all, but due to circumstance beyond my control *cough* School and conference proposals are trying to kill me at the moment *cough*, I will have to delay Defend the Castle by one week to ensure sufficient time to take out these personal obligations.

    Defend the Castle will resume its monthly rotation on Monday, April 11 at 9 P.M. EMC time. I look forward to seeing you all then!
    jossytheninja and HxCami10 like this.
  12. I would love to go but I have homework and classwork.
  13. As promised last week when the event was delayed, I will be hosting Defend the Castle tonight at 9pm.

    One thing I do want to note. In the interest of getting mobs to spawn, I would like to ask that lighting materials not be used in the castle itself. A safe zone will be established for setting spawns or for those who want a break from fighting.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  14. Yes! I am ready!
  15. Oh yah now you warn us. Would've been nice of you to tell us not to light fires the first time.
  16. Awesome i cant wait! :)
    HxCami10 likes this.
  17. Hopefully some people wont be lighting each other on fire again:confused:
    HxCami10 likes this.
  18. Oh joy, here goes Q. Hopefully you will be thinking enough to not walk into fire and then say they placed it on you.
  19. Was referring specifically to torches and other sources of light. We had issues with mobs being able to spawn in the castle last time due to the excessive amount of light. Thus, in the interest of creating those spawns, I'm hoping we can keep use to a minimum this time. :)
    HxCami10 likes this.
  20. There is no need to be rude. We all are aware of what happened the last time. Let's just not let it happen again. Because there was more than just Q who was affected by the fire, which in turn upsetted a few players. These events are being hosted to provide a fun activity for everyone, no need to start jumping down people's throats.

    Now let's go have some fun :D