[Help] Setting up a server

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by PenguinDJ, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Penguin. This is going to be tough. 3 routers, that's really not a good network solution. I am guessing, it is setup that way to get further and further from the ISP source(modem). However, each time a new router is introduced, you are adding new DHCP and new NAT. you can't foward from one NAT/DHCP range to another, they don't see each other.
    In the instance above, you can't port forward any traffic from to , as the 1.120 isn't in teh DHCP range. The best you could try to do, would be to port forward all traffice on that port to (but, you will need to know the private ip of that router, which should be something in the range of through
    You would need to do this same thing on the original router/modem . forward all traffice on the port to the private ip of the router (, which will have a private IP address in the range of though

    so, start on the modem/router from your isp..i am assuming that is the router. Find out what the private IP address of your second router is ( is the internal IP, not the private IP on the 10.113.0.xxx DHCP. follow the same steps on the next DHCP range. Then, your current port fwd on the modem to should work.

    However, with that being said, you honestly should try to remove the DHCP/NAT from the second 2, and utilize the DHCP from the original only. Set the next two to both be used as switches(most of the time, called Bridge mode).

    Doing this,will change the IP on your server, to something like so you will need to setup port fwd in the first router to whatever IP your server gets.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. the may be a node router for the ISP. it is providing the dynamic addressing to your modem.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. It is not uncommon for some ISP's not to hand out public IP's but private ones. The reasoning behind that is both control (so that you can't host things on your own) as well as protection (to a certain degree anyway) because "bad guys" have somewhat of a harder time reaching you (not always true though).

    But yeah: if your ISP set you up with the 10* IP address then this setup is probably not going to work unfortunately.
    PenguinDJ likes this.

    I really don't think you guys know how excited I am right now, lol
    ShelLuser, 607 and CadenMann like this.
  5. Cool! What was the fix, though? I bet it was one of the things I said. ;)
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  6. Ah, right on. I'll just edit my previous post to make it look like I suggested that.