Who is this CaveSent?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BathroomSkiing, Oct 27, 2015.


Marlix or Momentus?

Poll closed Dec 15, 2015.
Marlix 14 vote(s) 41.2%
Momentus 20 vote(s) 58.8%
  1. SMP8 is where all the fun and crazy folks hang out at. Welcome to EMC!
    tuqueque, Kephras and CaveSent like this.
  2. Welcome to EMC, smp4 rules
    CaveSent likes this.
  3. Oh I LIKE this thread... :D
    tuqueque and CaveSent like this.
  4. And why is this, my dear tiger? :rolleyes:
  5. Welcome to EMC! Feel free to join me on SMP3 :)
    CaveSent likes this.
  6. Welcome to EMC! Be very careful on smp8, the first message I ever saw on there was "Now that you have been hit by my fish, you are now my wife..." If you need help or have any question about the server, I', very active on smp3. Enjoy your stay in the Empire!
    CaveSent likes this.
  7. Welcome to the Empire!

    If you need some cheap basic materials, come to /v 18891 on SMP9!
    As said before, the wiki is your friend here ;)
    tuqueque and CaveSent like this.
  8. Good luck in the mysterious land of smp8 ;) and welcome :p
    CaveSent likes this.
  9. Is that because you go to BC? If so i can see why, all the maple syrup drinkers are in Ontario and Quebec. :p
    quiltingnanny and CaveSent like this.
  10. One of us! One of us!

    Welcome to EMC, if ya need any help or want to engage in a good old fashioned pun-off, I can be found lurking on 8 from time to time.

    Disclaimer: I do not promise that you will not be slapped with a marriage fish. Just sayin.
    tuqueque, CaveSent and Kephras like this.
  11. You could call this a bump.
  12. I hear from many other humans that SMP8 is a fine-- er, unique place. Once I'm on break, I'll be sure to get myself a bit more in to the community. ;)
  13. CaveSent likes this.
  14. Welcome to Empire Minecraft!
    CaveSent likes this.
  15. My Canadian Conspiracy: Instead of egging houses you egg them. Is this correct? Also, welcome!
    CaveSent likes this.
  16. Welcome to the empire Cavesent! If you need anything just ask. I've been on this server for almost 4 years! Also i recommend you vote as you get bonuses of rupees and special items which are very useful.
    CaveSent likes this.
  17. I feel like yer going to fit right into our little land of fish marriage, birds, and puns we call smp8
    *trys to think of pun involving fish, birds, and marriage*
    CaveSent likes this.