The Car Love Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FDNY21, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Doesn't look too bad, bet it performs amazingly too :)
  2. This thread is still around? You must really love cars.. :p
    highlancer54, luckycordel and FDNY21 like this.
  3. I really do love cars, I work on them for my college course also! :) I don't see this thread dying out for a long while, there's always car news floating about and history of cars to discuss! :D
    607 and highlancer54 like this.
  4. So im getting an R34 Skyline 25GT Manual Tomorrow or this weekend... I literally have not been this excited in my whole life....

    Why am I a 17 year old, able to get an R34 Skyline as my third car... I have no idea, but its happening :D

    You guys got any performance or other mods I should do?!?!?! It is a non turbo, and will remain that way until I am 20, which is when I am legally allowed to add turbos, but any other suggestions! Please!

    Currently the car is white with a Black hood, but I will be changing the whole car to black, with green highlights and I want to call it "The Monster" but if you have name suggestions please help out!
  5. R34 Skyline 25GT at 17 years old? Something I can only dream of! Good for you man, that'll be absolutely awesome, excited for you too, you'll have to tell us lots about it!

    Make sure you drop in some pictures too, it would be nice to see if it has a decent spoiler, what rims it has, if it's a two door or four door and if it is a wide body or not too :)

    As for mods, a Skyline R34 is never really complete unless it has a decent spoiler on it. Nothing crazy, but it really sets off the look with a nice spoiler on it! It'll be easier to tell what you can do to it after we see it too :p

    As for "The Monster", sounds great! Reason being is the black and green look - if you go for black with green details then it'll be more based on the Ford Fiesta Monster Energy type cars, and the Hoonicorn Mustang too! Mustang below:
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  6. College Course on cars? *facepalm*
  7. Motorsport Engineering (Extended Diploma) Level 3 if you were interested in knowing :p
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  8. Ooooh yes! XD Well I lied....

    I may or may not possibly be spending a touch more :rolleyes: Got brand new Rota Grids, geniune GT-R wing, geniune GT-R Blue, i might keep the color the same, at least for a while cause its so nice! Got an extreme heavy duty clutch... RIP Foot XD And it is a manual :D

    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. Not going to lie, that thing is pretty much perfect! Good exhaust, nice spoiler, decent rims too, and even one of the wide body versions! A real gem with that colour too! I'm not sure what else you could even change to make it better! :eek: Awesome car, you're going to have lots of fun with it!
    607 and luckycordel like this.

    SIGH, gonna have to now wait and keep my eye out for a new one :/
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  11. Aww unlucky man :( Are there any other ones up there? Make sure you snag it if it looks like it's going to be good, but still do your checks first to see that the car runs well, you don't want to buy something but looks good but actually isn't! Keep us updated Whoz!
    WhozCoopz likes this.
  12. theres a super expensive one! XD But there is a cheap one im looking at that looks nice!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. Are you considering the cheaper one then? Tell us about it if you're going to go for it! It'll be nice to see what it looks like and all also :D
    607 and WhozCoopz like this.
  14. Yeh will do! My cars up for sale now so after I sell it ill ask about it!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. How much are you selling the Lancer for?
    607 and WhozCoopz like this.
  16. tryin for 9k! ahaha
    FDNY21 likes this.
  17. Hope you get the money and get a nice looking Skyline Whoz! :)
    607 and WhozCoopz like this.