[Selling] EMC Collectible Items

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Dannyyyy, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. love potion 40k?
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  2. I will buy the Pot of Gold (14k), Headless Horseman Mask (35k), and Haunted Head (40k). I'll pay it now, mail it whenever you can. Thanks ^_^
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  3. Can I take the cupid arrows?
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  4. Sent
    sure thing, just pay and will be mailed asap
  5. I'll be paying with my alt so can you mail to him? Ign = ShrinkingCrew
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  6. Sure thing :)

    Major Update
    • The whole layout of the Original Post had been redesigned by yours truly :p The new design allows buyers to view the "store" more fluently than ever before and will sure to make the experience a whole lot better.
    • A bunch of new inventory has been added and will increase over time!
    • Thats it mostly :D
  7. Lucky Bow 30k?
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  8. Keeping that at 35k, m8
  9. lucky bows are 60k
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  10. I'll take the lucky bow
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  11. Starter gear 16k?
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  12. Pay and item will be sent ASAP
  13. This is an offer for all of it, yes?
  14. Yes, I would like all of it. Set up a chest instead of mailing it :p

    Payment will be tomorrow since I'm a bit too busy to log on Empire today.
    MajorSkillGaming likes this.
  15. Sure thing :)