[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. What kinda automated farm you are gonna make?
  2. Gonna make a big Big big big big big big big big big one :D
  3. My computer is one to lag ALOT, so even if ur comp can handle this farm doesn't mean that mine can :p.
  4. It is a surprise btw?, that you just don't saying what kind
  5. The kind is Spaceabsorbinglagmakerfarm :p
    (or without any lag materials, it might just be a resource producing farm o.0)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  6. Clearly if it's ' big Big big big big big big big big big' , It will cause lag.
  7. Spam!
    Patr1cV likes this.
  8. You are spam : P
  9. uhm, I am not totally sure what you mean with that .-. I think it is my bad english situation :/
    Patr1cV likes this.
  10. ;)
  11. Suri, its going to be w/ taters, wheat, maybe melons and pumpkins, and sugar cane.
    Peacebone66 likes this.
  12. sounds great .. can't imagine you folks need more pumpkins, melons or sugar cane in town but sounds great anyway :). Luck with that
  13. Plus +1
  14. errmm.... with wheat farm we may need more, but others? pumpkin, melon, and sugarcane. I think these farms are already producing more than we even needed :p
  15. So ++1 then?
  16. That's just a funny way of saying: Increment the loop variable by one for each iteration :)
  17. Its like saying me 2 and me 3
    Patr1cV likes this.
  18. Remember, send your screenshots in BEFORE 18 December 12PM!
    Patr1cV likes this.
  19. Sounds good to me :) For the place I would recommend to put it somewhere relatively remote, preferably somewhere along the netherrail. We can take a look next time. I agree that the wheat farm in the centre is pretty small and we could use the space for something else. So a big wheat farm in the area would be helpful.
    Please take your time with picking the right location. Building activities are reduced till the end of the year anyways.

    Medical rule of thumb: When there are you² people around you³, you should see a doctor ;)
  20. Kai can i make like a deep pit near my house in carthaga and make like underground rooms like storage for each member in the place that i live like the fancy houses i will be happy if i can cus i mean digging is so fun :)