Share Your Must Watch ANIME List

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BenCannoli, Oct 19, 2015.


Do you like/enjoy Animes?

Yes. 26 vote(s) 60.5%
No. 5 vote(s) 11.6%
Not sure/No opinion/Neither like or dislike. 3 vote(s) 7.0%
Potato. 9 vote(s) 20.9%
  1. Well, that was... Helpful :confused:. Alright I'll check it out haha :D.
  2. It that I don't hate anything that japan does but I just can't get into anime. Let me list...

    First off, Cos-players... Ugghhhh

    Second, Very over inflated animated expressions.

    Third, some series are shall we say... Inappropriate for younger audiences. More sexual references and show more sexual acts than family guy.

    Fourth, You must learn Japanese to actually understand some parts. Translations are awful.


    If you don't agree with me then don't reply but those are my main reasons. I'll watch the Simpsons now...

  3. Well, I won't disagree that lots of animes are like that, but hey, there others that are not like that. Maybe you haven't found a anime you like. There might be something... I mean, I didn't like books until I actually found something I liked... I guess the same aplies here...
  4. If you like fantasy shows with gore, violence and sex (like Game of Thrones), here's a thing for you: Berserk (1997 series). You're gonna find out that Joffrey and Ramsey are actually really good people compared to the villains in there. And if you end up loving it (Like I did) do yourself a favor and go read the manga.

    If you like comedy, I recently watched Devil is a Part Timer and really loved it. Was honestly hoping for a second season, but probably not gonna happen :(.
    TonyDaChivalrous likes this.
  5. Found this randomly on Netflix and could not stop watching it...
  6. Will check it out Dj. Thanks! :D
  7. If you're going to watch the Flash, you might as well watch Arrow, they have episodes that go together. Starts in season 3 of Arrow though.
  8. I'll think about it... A friend of mine also said I should watch it... As I said, I'm just not THAT much into series but I'll give it a look.
  9. It's so good that I'm re-watching the series since the new episodes take one whole week to be out :eek:
  10. i watched it all subbed so i had to wait months :D
  11. Meh, I am bored right now so I guess I can write the synopses for the other animes I mentioned above.

    Log Horizon [Watch Rating: Teen] - By its eleventh expansion pack, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Elder Tale has become a global success, having a following of millions of players. However, during the release of its twelfth expansion pack: Novasphere Pioneers, thirty thousand Japanese gamers who are all logged on at the time of the update, suddenly find themselves transported inside the game world and donning their in-game avatars. In the midst of the event, a socially awkward gamer called Shiroe along with his friends Naotsugu and Akatsuki decide to team up so that they may face this world which has now become their reality along with the challenges which lie ahead.

    Sailor Moon Crystal [Watch Rating: Teen] - In the early 21st century, American companies were trying to serialize on an American remake of the Live Action Sailor Moon series, but wanting to take too many artistic liberties, the creator of the series, Naoko Takeuchi, withdrew all syndication licenses of all Sailor Moon products and series from the United States and barred further distribution of them there. Over a decade later, she decided to remove the blackout and announced Sailor Moon Crystal, which is a remake of the original Sailor Moon Manga, drawing more from the manga than the original series had. Sailor Moon Crystal began airing in simulcast in July of 2014 on Crunchyroll and NicoNico.

    Fractale [Watch Rating: Teen] - The story takes place on an island resembling a 22nd-century Ireland, in a world ruled by "Fractale", a satellite-based virtual reality and content delivery system which ensures mankind's stability and prosperity. One day, Clain meets a fleeing girl called Phryne, who disappears during the night leaving a pendant. When he is able to activate the pendant (which turns into a "doppel" named Nessa), Clain sets out on a journey with the girl-shaped avatar Nessa to look for Phryne and discovers the secret behind the Fractale System.

    Love Hina [Watch Rating: Older Teen] {Warning: Mature Themes} - Keitaro Urashima has lived with this promise to get accepted at Tokyo University to join his childhood sweetheart there and get married. Although having failed the entrance exam twice, his parents have kicked him out and he goes to live in his Grandmother's Hotel, the Hinata House, only to find out that his grandmother has gone off traveling the world, and his aunt, whom also lives at the Hinata House states that his grandmother has left him in charge as the manager.. Unfortunately for him however, the Hinata House has become a Girl's Dormitory.. :rolleyes:

    Mahō Sensei Negima! [Watch Rating: Older Teen] {Warning: Mature Themes} - Negi Springfield, a 10-year old wizard, after graduating from Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, is appointed to teach English to a class of Japanese girls in Mahora Academy's middle school. Apart from that the story is absolutely hilarious.. It should also be noted that the manga series, UQ Holder! is an indirect sequel to this series.

    Oh! My Goddess! (Ah! Megami-sama!) [Watch Rating: Older Teen] - Keiichi Morisato, in an attempt to call out for pizza, accidentally calls the Goddess Help Line and the Goddess Belldandy materializes in front of him (If I remember correctly, she appears out of the bath.. xD). She tells him that her agency has received a system request from him and has been sent to grant him a single wish. Believing that a practical joke is being played on him, he wishes that she will stay with him forever, and his wish is granted. Things only get more hectic when Belldandy's sisters whom are also goddesses, Urd and Skuld come looking for her and move in as well..

    Spice and Wolf [Watch Rating: Older Teen] - Kraft Lawrence is a traveling merchant whom peddles goods from town to town to make a living for himself. One night while in a town, he finds a pagan wolf-deity in his wagon by the name of Holo. She explains that she has been in that town for many years maintaining the harvest, but feels like the town has forsaken her and she wants to return to her homeland. She also wants to travel to see how much the world has changed in her time of being sequestered in this town and manages to bargain her way out of town by getting Kraft to take her with him.

    FL CL (Fooly Cooly) [Watch Rating: Older Teen] {Warning: Mature Themes} - FL CL is a short 6 episode anime.. FLCL is a coming of age story and revolves around Naota Nandaba, a 12-year-old, working class boy living with his widowed father and grandfather. His life in the city of Mabase is interrupted by the arrival of Haruko Haruhara, who runs over Naota with her yellow Vespa 180 SS scooter, gives him CPR, then hits him on the head with a blue vintage Rickenbacker 4001 left-handed electric bass guitar. Naota discovers that the blow to his head created an "N.O." portal, from which giant robots produced by a company known as Medical Mechanica emerge periodically. It is a really weird and funny anime by the way.. xD

    Shinryaku! Ika Musume (Invasion! Squid Girl) [Watch Rating: Everyone] - Squid Girl is a girl from the ocean who possesses blue squid-like tentacles for hair. Vowing to invade mankind as revenge for its pollution of the ocean, she attempts to make the Lemon Beach House, owned by the Aizawa siblings, her base of operations. However, when she accidentally breaks a hole in their wall trying to swat a mosquito, she is forced to work as a waitress to pay off the damages. Thus, Squid Girl begins her life on the surface, learning new things and encountering many curious visitors to the beach house.
  12. Ooops, I forgot something in that description, I blame copy/paste for that one.. Log Horizon is unique and differs in many aspects, so don't go calling an SAO ripoff or a .Hack ripoff. The team up that these characters do creates a guild for the players to keep them from destroying the world with their futuristic knowledge. The game takes place in a medieval setting and these 30,000 players all have modern knowledge and acknowledge what they know can ruin this society. There is a review on Kotaku, one that actually got me interested in this series because at first I saw it as another SAO/.hack clone..
  13. Overlord take place in a video game aswell, well kinda but its completly different from SOA so i agree with your notion dont judge an anime by the first episode is rule 1 anyways :D and also @mercenaries2009 check out God Eater aswell its an anime based off a video game its pretty good too
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  14. Full metal panic, fumofu
    macross plus
    dbz (thanks, toonami)
    sword art online
    SAO season 2. I like it. it has guns.
    initial d
    squid girl
    the devil is a part timer
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  15. I've heard good things about Sailor Moon. My sister used to watch it but I never got to watch... I'll give it a try for sure! And Shinryaku! seems like a cool Anime! I'll also give it a look. :D

    From the overlook I had on the review it seemed a lot like an RPG adventure. I'll give it a look. Seems pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing it!:D
    technoLova and ObscureGolem like this.
  16. Alrighty. Thanks for sharing! I'll make sure to give 'em a look.:D
    technoLova and ObscureGolem like this.
  17. Hmm, well I am rewatching Haibane Renmei right now. One of my top fives. It's a little slow, but the story is beautiful. I don't really recommend Sword Art Online, but it's fun to watch. Also, I saw Spice and Wolf up there^^^. Go. Watch it. Now.
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  18. Anime series then, not Anime movies? ;) Alas, my picks are dated but meh; still classics in their own right.

    I really think quite highly of the Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex series. It can be both action pased as well dive into some deeper plots and mysteries. Its set in a world where cyborgs and brain digitizing is real. Yet that also introduces new dangers; ghost hacking. Basically actually hacking into a (digitized) human mind to reprogram it to your will. Season 1 fully focuses around a master hacker called the Laughing Man, it's name derived from a logo he uses to cover his face whenever he's on screen. Because all (security) camera's are (usually) connected using a main network he can actually tap in and alter the signal in real-time. Season 2 focuses on a group called the Individual Eleven which at first seem nothing more but a terrorist group but looks can be deceiving...

    Both series are timeless in my opinion. If we're looking at the refugee issues which Europe is currently facing then yah; Season 2, as dated as it is, becomes immediately pretty much relevant again.

    Serial Experiments Lain

    It's a pretty deep Anime, not for the faint of heart. And I'm not referring to extreme visual aspects but psychological ones. It evolves around a young girl called Lain Iwakaru and her exploration of the Wired. Think of the Wired as a modern version of the Internet. The series starts to theorize about ways for humans to connect to the Wired to such extremes where they'd even be able to transmit thoughts thus challenging the question as to what is real and what's virtual... As said, it's quite deep and does a lot of story telling. Not for everyone most certainly..

    Warning - Warning - Warning

    The next mentioned series is NOT PG and could very likely be picked up as highly disturbing in both a graphical sense (use of gore, nudity, etc.) as well as the storyline. Put short: this is an extremely brutal series. The reason I'm mentioning this anyway is because if you look past the obvious issues then yeah... the story is very rock solid and even gives you plenty of things to think about. IMO obviously. (or maybe this is my age showing, I dunno).


    Meet Lucy, a Diclonius. A human "hybrid" or mutant if you will, they have much more strength than humans, grow "horns" on their foreheads and also posses "vectors"; invisible hands which can rip through metal as if its nothing. Only issue: diclonii are considered to be less than human and are also treated as such, their main goal is to be used as weapons of mass destruction. After all: what better weapon than one which can actually think for itself and make direct tactical decisions? Thing is: diclonii are not inferior to humans, by far even, and also perfectly capable of growing emotions. Yeah, what would you do if you had been locked up most of your life, used as some kind of lab experiment (forget about privacy or decency) and finally see an option to break free? Wouldn't you do whatever it takes?

    This series doesn't fantasize about it, it simply shows it as well. And some scenes are definitely quite disturbing. But the story runs so extremely deep that I think it should be mentioned nonetheless.

    Scrapped Princess

    Pacifica Casull, a young teenage girl who has only one small problem; her name is linked with an ancient and holy prophecy which tells that she's the poison that will destroy the world. She was abandoned by her (royal) parents shortly after her birth due to the Grendel prophecy. The guard who was tasked to kill the baby just couldn't bring himself to do it (though I may have gotten this part wrong, it's been a while) and she's rescued and eventually adopted by the Casull family.

    So basically she ends up in a world where almost everyone would rather see her dead and gone, apart from her two guardians: her brother Shannon who is a very skilled swordsman and her sister Raquel who is a powerful sorceress.

    As always with these series: looks are deceiving. I personally really enjoyed the religious approach here which, as in the real world, is also used as tool for control. What I liked best is the diversity in the series.

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Now this one is really dated :) Depending on the version you're looking at, there have been several remakes which, in my opinion, still do the series credit (unlike so many others) but yeah. The story involves around a modern world where humanity uses biological robots called "Evangelions" to fight of an invasion of mystical beings which are dubbed 'Angels' (even given the official Latin names). Only problem is that these robots can only be piloted by a very select amount of children who more or less "link" to the Evangelion; they literally control the robot by using their minds. Which, in itself, puts quite some pressure on them. Both mentally as well as emotionally.

    The series dives deeply into that subject while also providing plenty of mystery and action.

    Now, the following isn't a "real" Anime but it's so heavily influenced by it that it's hard to determine if it is or isn't.

    Teen Titans (note: not the modern "Teen Titans Go" madness)

    The series consists of 5 seasons where the Teen Titan super heroes need to face several of their arch enemies. All episodes are more or less stand alone but throughout the series there is a red wire which more or less links the stories together.

    Intro song by Puffi AmiYumi (Japanese duo) and the fun part: the moment when an episode is just focused around something really silly or weird then the intro song is sung in Japanese instead of English. I like that small detail, it adds up to the series.


    Now, earlier I called Evangelion dated: this is even worse ;) The animation is absolutely not what we're used to now, but the storyline (though dated as well) is really pretty good. The series consists of 3 seasons, but all seasons basically show a different Anime which has been "rolled up" into one series. Personally I liked the 1st and 2nd seasons, and didn't care at all about the 3rd.

    1st: An alien spaceship lands on a 'futuristic Earth' (year is 1999 :p) which causes all countries which are involved in a global world war to seize hostilities and coordinate the salvage and restoration of the alien spaceship. After all: if aliens exist then there is a chance that humanity might face a much bigger enemy than their fellow man.

    Which obviously turns out to be true. At the day of its maiden flight (several years after the initial crash landing) another alien ship exits hyperspace around the moon causing the salvaged ship (now dubbed SDF-1) to fire a laserbeam as soon as two scout ships approach the Earth. Which more or less starts the hostility between Earth and the Zentradi (the invading aliens). As dated as it is I still really like this series.

    What I enjoyed best is that although this series is pretty light it still has some pretty deep moments. Put short (without spoilers): when involved in an interstellar war then it's not always a happy ending. Which shows throughout this series, which I think - as sad as it might be - still really adds to it.

    2nd: This plays out 10 or so years after the events of the first season and also focuses on a whole new protagonist. However, it still plays out in the same universe as the first one.

    3rd: It's a completely new cartoon which doesn't even look anything like the first two. I disliked this season, only managed to watch it once (after I had the whole series on DVD I figured that I should watch it at least once).

    Last and most certainly not least....

    Avatar; the last airbender - The Legend of Aangh

    Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the avatar, master of all four elements could stop them. But when the world needed him the most he vanished.

    A hundred years have passed and the fire nation pretty much dominates most parts of the world, including the artics where the water tribes live. And it is here where two young watertribe members; Katara and her brother Sokka find the new avatar: a young boy named Aang. Being an airbender from birth Aangh can control and steer ("bend") the air around him but in order to actually save the world he will need to master the bending of the other elements as well.

    The serie consists of 3 seasons; each centered around one of the 4 nations: Water, Earth and Fire. Unfortunately no "Air book" exists to focus on the air nomads because as the name implies: Aangh is the last living member of the air nomads.

    Although this is a "series for children" the underlying messages and storyline often go incredibly much deeper. If you're open to it.

    Example: throughout the series the fire nation is the obvious aggressor of the lot; invading, enslaving and even totally destroying the other nations. Obviously the fire nation homeland must be filled with murderous and power hungry fanatics, no?

    Well... no. Just like in real life. Sure, some people support the war against the other nations, but most families really worry about only one thing: to see their siblings return home safely. They're not out for war, they're most certainly not all evil or hostile towards other people.

    If you're open to such details then you'll soon realize what an absolute masterpiece this series is. For both a young and older audience.

    So yah, that's my list :)
  19. Alright Alright... I will... Geez, so much stuff to watch and put on the "things to watch" list... THanks for sharing it!:D

    Wow... This must have took some time... Anyways, it doesn't have to be anime series ONLY... I would gladly watch some movies too. Ever watched Spirited Away? That was a good movie.
    Thanks Shel, because of your superb detailed list I'm gonna make it a 150 rupees bonus.
  20. There was a bonus? :confused:

    lol, no need to pay me for that. I honestly totally overlooked that part, just like I completely overlooked the movie/series issue. You simply addressed a topic I liked so yah... then this happens. Oh well, movies you say?

    Well, if you liked Chihiro's travels aka Spirited Away then I think you might also enjoy Princess Mononoke. Although not exactly the same (totally different stories) their styles are somewhat comparable. If you enjoyed the story of Junglebook then you'll most certainly enjoy this one 8)

    I usually refer to Mononoke as a more adult / mature version of Junglebook.

    Anyway, hope all that can be of some use to you 8)
    autumnrain26 and mercenaries2009 like this.