Tweens & Technology

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. Hey everyone.

    Yesterday I was at a conference and noticed a booth there about Tweens & Technology. I figured I would grab the flier to share to you all since I know many of our younger players are really interested in Technology!

    Check it out to see if it's something you're interested in.

  2. Interesting, thanks for sharing!
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  3. Funny enough, their camp is literally 10 minutes away from my home :) Right beside my elementary school!
    ChespinLover77, Kytula and 607 like this.
  4. Well, I'm both quite a bit too old and way too far away, so... :p
  5. While I'd be too old to attend, I do love how you found something like this and decided to share it. This would be helpful for parents looking at introducing their kids to tech as well as kids being interested in it. Thanks for sharing. :)
    607 likes this.
  6. I thought this was going to be a post about the dangers of giving kids cellphones. :confused:
    Carbonyx, Vortixin, Zrugite and 7 others like this.
  7. How? :p
  8. Well, I do think that's a fair point Keph made. Technology is fine and all but I also can't help wonder if we're not becoming much too depended on it as well. A power outage in my home town is enough to make most if not all stores decide to close their doors because yeah... You can't expect a cashier to actually be able and add up all the product prices without any tools, at least not in this day and age.

    Doesn't mean I don't appreciate this, I do. I think it's very important that kids learn the basic issues regarding technology and that they don't only understand how things work but also what makes things tick.

    Misunderstanding or inexperience with current technology is the #1 reason why hacks and break-ins happen these days. Even your average DDoS attack is powered by the inexperience (or worse) of others which allow baddies to take over those computers and add them to their bot networks.
    TechNinja_42 and 607 like this.
  9. You wouldn't know how many 4 year olds i've seen walking around the streets with iPads and Tablets.
    Not really tweens, i know, but i thought id mention it since we're on the topic of young kids and technology.
    UltiPig likes this.
  10. Ah, "tween" is a term used for preadolescent, then Kephras' expectation makes more sense.
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  11. Yeah I agree with the others. Too much kids have too much phones and ipads. I was volunterring for a kid-camp this summer and the kids were just playing on their phones.. I don't think it's right to encourage more technology. But hey, it's the new generation. Most kids are lazy these days.. :/
    ShelLuser and DaysInTheDust like this.
  12. Depends how young. Encouraging kids to learn to code and make games etc, which is what my school were doing for the young ones, is good i suppose for the knowledge and the job idea?

    But if they're being antisocial and introduced to this at an early age then you can tell you're gonna have a mobile-obsessed child
    607 likes this.
  13. The extent of my social technology goes to a Tablet and PC, why I'm the only person in my high school without a cellphone. I personally have no use for a cellphone at my age, but I do think it's ridiculous that parents are giving them to children younger than me. I find the main reason parents do this is so they don't need to keep the child entertained and so they won't whine, which itself is unhealthy.
    ShelLuser and DaysInTheDust like this.
  14. Sure I will help! I will even find a child! Finally going to put the loud kids on their way home from school to good use!
    607, Kephras and DaysInTheDust like this.
  15. You should just send them all!
    ShelLuser and Hasorko like this.
  16. Ooh! Brilliant idea! Could you also take the obnoxious hellspawn that gather on my front porch every morning? :D
    ShelLuser, Hasorko, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  17. "Get erf mer lerwn!!!" - Kephras 2016
  18. Pretty good personal translator 10/10
    Hasorko likes this.
  19. I agree with a lot of the points here. I live in a house with 3 smartphones, 3 kindle fires, one kindle paperwhite, an iPad 2, an iPad Mini, an iMac, and a 2-device subscription to Netflix. There's always internet usage going on. And most of that if from my 5 siblings, who are in the age range of 0-10. I use devices quite a bit too, but my 3 year old sister and 4 year old brother cannot go 12 hours without a screen.
  20. I see this point being brought up more and more often nowadays.
    I'd like to ask you: how do you feel about not being able to go 12 hours without electricity? Running water? Clothes? Motored vehicles?
    The world changes, and more and more technology will go from only used by the privileged to unmissable in daily life.
    AyanamiKun and DaysInTheDust like this.