The Funny Story Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Jay2a, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. This is like the Funny Picture Thread, but post stories instead. They can be:
    • In Minecraft
    • In real life
    • Something that happened to you
    • Something that your friend did
    So, post away! I'll start.
    My family just returned to our house from Alaska, and we went to get some Taco Bell. My dad ordered a Mexican pizza with sour cream, but didn't get sour cream on it. He went back in, and this is what happened:
    Dad: I ordered a Mexican pizza with sour cream but didn't get sour cream on it.
    Manager: We don't serve pizza here.
    Dad: I ordered a Mexican pizza and you handed it to me, and I didn't get sour cream on it.
    Manager: So you just want sour cream? Would you like that for here or to go?
    Dad: ...