I need a little help with my chest system.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kryarias, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. On utopia I have a pumpkin farm and it has 8 outputs. Each output goes into like 10 or so double chests then over flow goes into composters and there is 10 dcs of bonemeal storage then if that overflows it gets spit out into lava. My issue is that in my trading hall I can't figure out a good storage system. At first I had 1 chest that had 8 hoppers leading into it and each hopper came from 1 farm output and it worked really well but when I actively traded it was not quite fast enough. I would have to stand around for 2-3 mins for it to fill up enough for what I need. Now I have made a simple run of the mill chest system where there's a bunch of chests and hoppers from one to the next but my issue is that if I am trading the pumpkins come in a lot slower than before so I would have to wait a lot. But the benefit of it is that if I afk and it all fills up then I have a lot of pumpkins to work with.

    What are yalls thoughts and opinions? Thanks

    Side note, the trading hall is 4 25 villager "hallways" so it uses about 29 stacks of pumpkins. I do one hallway then go to the chests, refill and do the next.
    sonicol likes this.
  2. I've been using more than one crop which gives the supply time to catch up. Since you are already set up for Pumpkins, perhaps you could swap some of your Pumpkins for Melons in your current farm then separate the outputs.

    I think I have the opposite problem. I use eight Villagers mainly with Wheat, Melons, and Pumpkins. I recently was doing a lot of enchanting and tried adding Potato and Carrot farm modules so I could trade through the Villager resets.

    I maxed out the entity limit before I was able to add the farm modules I had planned and the Villager activation range also seems to be a problem. I think the answer for me is to add more Villagers and eliminate some or all of the Villager farm modules.