hai hai

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by lordlankovic, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. :) just wanted to say hai & let you know that despite being called Lord I'm actually a girl ;)
    see you in there!
  2. Heya,
    Welcome to EmpireMinecraft, I hope you will enjoy your stay!

    What Smp# are you?
  3. I'm in town but I don't know which smp that is
  4. There is a separate town for each server - oh, and welcome to EMC :) If you type "/help" then click on [server] it will tel you which one you're on
  5. Welcome to the Empire! :)
    lordlankovic likes this.
  6. Welcome to the Empire lord. Enjoy your stay. :)
    lordlankovic likes this.
  7. Welcome to EMC, hope you enjoy your stay!
    So... What do you prefer people to call ya!
  8. Hello and welcome, my friend.
  9. Welcome to EMC!
  10. Welcome me Lord
  11. thanx for the welcome guys!
    highlancer most people call me lord. I'm pretty much deaf so cant use mumble, drop me a line in text chat!