Declaration of Independence Thing

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Alukiann, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. Listen, although there's a nagging voice in the back of my head that this problem has already been posted... I'm addressing it just in case. While skimming Krysyy's Declaration of Independence, I noticed a bit of spacing weirdness, blah blah blah... It looked okay. But then I looked at the signatures and I noticed something...
    Okay, if the link doesn't work, I'm having trouble with the whole photos thing... My first thread. Anyway...
    Massachusetts is split! Now, maybe there's a reason for this. :p But I'm just wondering what happened...

    Thanks! :D
  2. The link works, but to actually display it in your message you'll need to surround it with [img] tags. Also important is that the link actually points to an image (an actual image file) otherwise it won't work either.

    So if you copy/paste this link into your message you'll get an inline image (a picture inside your message):


    As for the declaration... I looked but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. I'll dig it up from my collection and have a look see for myself later on, it's about time I actually read it for a change :)
  3. Lol, oops. Hm, I'll try that again when I can. But if you look at the signatures there's Massachusetts with the lone "John Hancock" and then a page or two later there's Massachusetts again with four more signatures.