Decorational Head Shop! 2 Heads Every Month!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by EvKem, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Uh oh.
    These are alright, but I already chose skins and I am farming them as I type. Sorry...
  2. Ok thats all good! Just suggestions! :D Cant wait to see what the new heads are!
  3. Honestly, that butter doesn't look like butter, and without "flour" written no one would guess that other one was a flour sack :confused:. Maybe there're better options out there?
    607 likes this.
  4. Probably XD I got them off of one of the head databases
  5. Yeahh, I don't want to be rude here but they aren't very good.
    I am running out of deco heads I am super into, so I may make my own at some point. I am pretty darn good at spritework (if I do say so myself) so they won't be dropping in quality. I'll also be able to do any requests as long as they're sensible.
    607 likes this.
  6. Is this service still going? The op still says March. :/
  7. Yes! The reason is I was not very active during April.
    I am back, and I am farming this month's heads RIGHT NOW! Update either tonight or tomorrow.
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  8. This month's heads are now in stock! The theme is Dessert, and we have a Glazed Donut and a Cherry Pie (gotta be on a stand.). Hope you guys like 'em! There's quite a bit in stock, so it should last out the month. Come get 'em!
  9. Okay, little update. Tactician_Bunny was nice enough to buy like 30 heads. This means I am low on stock!
    There's still about 8 of each head right now (16 total), but no worries! I'll be farming again today. Just wanted to keep posted here so nobody'd worry about it if I run out.
    607 likes this.
  10. Might I make a suggestion?
    Perhaps for next month, bunny heads, dragon heads, or maybe spawn-egg like heads? :3 Just to name a few that would be nice~. x3
  11. Maybe? I tend to stray away from literal heads, because I think the point of a decoration all head is to have it be not a head.
    The eggs might be doable though!
    607 likes this.
  12. 607 and EvKem like this.
  13. Tell people to not "bulk buy." You could be in stock for longer periods of time. If you want to be out of stock instantly, thats fine with me. Just my suggestion. :)
  14. But why wouldn't he want that? Bulk buying earns him bulk money... so I wouldn't think it'd be a problem :p The only problem is that people might find it out of stock and will get disappointed, but that's why EvKem posts on the thread it they are in low stock, so people know ahead of time.
    I think it's all good!
    Kytula and EvKem like this.
  15. This. I have absolutely no problem with people buying, I just need to make sure I can maintain stock.
    Wither_Addict and 607 like this.
  16. Love it, Best. Thing. Ever! :)
  17. Update for everybody!
    I have restocked this month's (May) heads! There's about 20 of each left as of now (5/5/16 11:03 EMC time), and if they run out I am not against a third run (restock). Hopefully everyone who wants one gets a chance to get one!