Comments on Profile Post by Unoski

  1. Roslyn
    Lol, Troll game strong
    Apr 28, 2015
  2. samsimx
    how can 700,000 people die in hospitals each year if there's only 70,000 people on the earth...
    Apr 28, 2015
  3. Elite
    Only 21% of roughly 440,000 people die/seriously harmed per year in the us...

    We have over 318 million people in the us

    That's about 1/725 that go to the hospital

    Only 34/725 of them die...

    yet 691/725 lives are saved

    Hospitals can't close down, because it saves more lives than causes deaths.
    Apr 28, 2015
  4. samsimx
    considering he is joking there was no reason to do all of that, lol
    Apr 28, 2015
  5. RainbowChin
    That's some sound logic.
    Apr 28, 2015
  6. Matherox
    That logic tho..

    May 7, 2015